Who’s Who in the Emory Innovation Ecosystem
Whether you’re engaged in research, have started a company—or are somewhere in between—you’ve got an entire ecosystem, right here at Emory, to help bring your innovation to the world
The foundation of this ecosystem is the Emory Office of Technology Transfer (OTT). Your first step: Contact them for an initial consultation.
But also know that so many other people and enterprises are prepared (and happy) to help. We’ve organized these based on five categories of interest—education, guidance, funding, infrastructure and help for students.
Entrepreneurship Education
Programs, courses and other offerings to add knowledge

Co-Design Laboratory
The Co-Design Lab for Health Equity is an interdisciplinary home for health, social science, and tech to engage with community partners to develop novel health innovations and programs.
Visit Co-Design
Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer Opportunities
OTT website rich with educational resources, including ready access to nearly two dozen webinars from AUTM on topics ranging from business planning to patenting to funding. OTT also offers seminars and training.
Visit the OTT Website
Bench2Market Talks
Panel discussions, lectures and workshops—led by industry experts and investors—help aspiring entrepreneurs turn research into products and companies. Sponsored by Georgia CTSA.
Emory Innovation Certificate Program
School of Medicine Entrepreneurship Education—by Drs. Steven Goudy and Adam Klein from the Department of Otolaryngology at Emory
DetailsCounsel and Guidance
Expert help and mentorship for those making the journey

Center for New Medicines
Integrated hub of advanced technology, infrastructure and resources to facilitate the rapid translation of Emory discoveries into life-saving therapeutics.
News Release
Emory Office of Technology Transfer (OTT)
The first stop for all Emory researchers, clinicians and employees to maximize the impact of your research. Emory OTT’s team provides everything from basic knowledge about innovation, intellectual property and commercialization to resources and information for starting a company.
Visit OTT
Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory (DRiVE)
A not-for-profit enterprise providing pre-clinical development support for new antiviral drugs. DRiVE helps bridge the gap between research and clinic and can serve as a licenser or partner later on.
Visit DRiVE
School of Medicine Innovation Center
3D printing, micromachining and a suite of other tools—plus education and advice—to help you advance your medical invention.
Innovation Center
Roberto C. Goizueta Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
General exposure and unique learning opportunities relating to innovation, venture development and capital formation. Residing in the business school, the center provides an array of programs for faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members.
Visit the Center
Emory Entrepreneurship Clinic
Solid training on how to start and scale a startup company—while maintaining your research or clinical position at the university. Experts in early-stage companies dive into your venture over several months.
More on the Clinic
Emory Biotech Consulting Club (EBCC)
Volunteer consultants help you advance your biotech innovation or startup. The team helps conduct market analysis, ID competitors, plan for the path to regulation and overcome other obstacles. Professional development offered, too.
EBCC Website
Techstars Emory Founder Catalyst
Ten program providing early-stage founders with defined processes to test, pivot and build their ventures towards investment readiness. Co-led by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the Hatchery in partnership with Techstars; open to faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Learn more
BizGrants (to apply for SBIR, STTR)
Two Federal grant programs—SBIR and STTR—provide small businesses with early-stage funding. Georgia CTSA will help you write an effective application for either or both of these programs.
Schedule a Consult
Female Founders Forum
The Female Founders Forum supports the entrepreneurial development of female faculty at Emory who are launching a startup company to license and develop their invention.
News Release
Women in Innovation Network (WIN)
Campus-wide effort to create awareness, support, and feature the role of women in innovation. Quarterly programming features stories, advice, networking opportunities and workshops with practical knowledge about being an innovator.
Seed grants at crucial early points of endeavor

Diabetes Translational Accelerator
The Diabetes Translational Accelerator (DTA) aims to catalyze the advancement of research and technologies to tackle the toughest problems in diabetes and associated complications through start-ups and commercialization.
More About DTA
Emory Drug Development Fund
Funding and guidance to help drug-developing researchers take the steps needed to apply for Investigational New Drug (IND) status. Steps range from validating targets to conducting preclinical evaluations to preparing for clinical testing.
More about EDDF
Funding and guidance for early-stage medtech innovations with commercial potential. The annual funding cycle opens in October, and the program offers support in tech development, business strategy and more (year-round).
More on Biolocity
Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory (DRiVE)
Specialized counsel and seed investment: An industry-experienced team works closely with developers of antiviral drugs to bring their active molecules to a suitable “value inflection point” for licensure.
Visit DRiVE
Georgia Research Alliance
Outside seed grants and guidance in project and early startup stages. GRA’s milestone-based program allows for grants in two phases and a loan in a third phase. GRA experts also provide free counsel to university entrepreneurs.
Visit GRA
Emory BioFoundry Institute
Funding and expert management to accelerate medical devices, diagnostics and digital innovations. Projects undergo thorough due diligence, including market, clinical impact, regulatory and IP analyses, before being prepared to be spun out.
Visit BioFoundry Institute
Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT)
Advice and guidance on available funding opportunities within Emory, Atlanta, Georgia and beyond. OTT continuously networks with the investment community; contact us to discuss potential resources, support and connections to funding.
Connect with OTTInnovation Spaces
Infrastructure, equipment and facilities to advance discovery and invention

Co-Design Laboratory
The Co-Design Lab for Health Equity is an interdisciplinary home for health, social science, and tech to engage with community partners to develop novel health innovations and programs.
Visit Co-Design
Center for New Medicines
For drug-developing scientists, a hub of advanced technology, infrastructure and resources to begin the translation of research findings into drugs and therapeutics.
News Release
Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory (DRIVE)
Specialized counsel and seed investment: An industry-experienced team works closely with developers of antiviral drugs to bring their active molecules to a suitable “value inflection point” for licensure.
Visit DRiVE
School of Medicine Innovation Center
3D printing, micromachining and a suite of other tools—plus education and advice—to help you advance your medical invention.
Innovation Center
State-of-the-art lab space and equipment for start-up companies located within the HSRBII Innovation Floor at Emory. Lab2Launch’s coworking environment supports scientist-entrepreneurs in their journey from lab to market and fosters collaborations among scientists.
Visit Lab2LaunchStudent Resources
Assistance with getting ideas out of the gate and toward the market

Roberto C. Goizueta Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
General exposure and unique learning opportunities relating to innovation, venture development and capital formation. Residing in the business school, the center provides courses, events and entrepreneurial activities to Emory students, alumni and others.
Visit the Center
The Hatchery, Emory Center for Innovation
Programs and space to inspire and support student entrepreneurs. The Hatchery offers mentorship, coaching and essential resources, both material and financial – as well as co-working spaces, classrooms, meeting rooms, an event space and community.
See The Hatchery
Emory Entrepreneurship & Venture Management (EEVM)
Resources and hackathon to help students experience entrepreneurship. Students get a taste of what it’s like to build things.
Visit the EEVM
Emory Goizueta Entrepreneurship Summit
Annual event featuring expert speakers, networking and a “Pitch the Summit” competition (open to all enrolled Emory students). The Summit is the signature activity of the Goizueta Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
More on the Summit
Emory Biotech Consulting Club
Volunteer opportunity to help entrepreneurs advance their biotech innovations and startups. Join a team to help conduct market analysis, ID competitors and navigate other steps in the path to the marketplace. Professional development offered, too.
EBCC Website
Techstars Emory Founder Catalyst
Ten week program providing early-stage founders with defined processes to test, pivot and build their ventures towards investment readiness. Co-led by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and The Hatchery in partnership with Techstars; open to Emory students, faculty, staff and alumni.
Learn more
Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer Opportunities
Internship program providing graduate students and post-graduates with skills in licensing, marketing and patents. OTT also engages undergraduate students with writing and video experience as work-for-hire employees to support our marketing and communications program.
How OTT Supports StudentsOther Emory enterprises support various aspects of the ecosystem:
- The Office of the Provost is home to the Vice Provost of Entrepreneurship, who works to nurture an environment where transformative ideas thrive and entrepreneurial pursuits flourish.
- The team behind this website and initiative has a vested interest in strengthening the entire ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Emory Innovations, Inc. (EII) is a holding company of portfolio companies and novel initiatives engaged in innovative new business and corporate enterprises with a mission to support and enhance broader goals of Emory University. EII creates a nimble and focused enterprise for Emory to quickly assess and implement new companies.